Locating Exemplary Lesson Plans

URL: http://ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/Science/Technology/TCH0002.html

What is the title of the lesson plan?

Making a Pinhole Coffee Camera

What age group(s), grade level(s), and subject area(s) does the lesson target?

Grades 6-12
Photography, science, technology education

What are the learning objectives of the lesson?

To understand the photographic process including camera operation and light's effect on photographic emulsions at a very affordable cost.

What materials or supplies are needed to deliver the lesson? Is it practical and reproducible?

Quite a bit of material is required. There are some prohibitive facilities and materials that may be difficult to acquire.

1. One three pound coffee can per 2 students (empty can with plastic lid intact)
2. Black construction paper
3. Thin cardboard(black)
4. Masking tape
5. Thin gauge aluminum(offset press type)
6. Large nail
7. Hammer
8. Needle or pin
9. Very fine grit wet/dry sandpaper
10. Shoebox
11. Darkroom(a room that can be made light tight)
12. Safelight
13. Processing trays(3)
14. Paper developer(Kodak Dektol)
15. Stop Bath(Kodak Indicator Stop Bath) Optional Step
16. Fix(Kodak Fix)
17. Photographic Paper(Ilford B&W RC Paper, no printing on back)


Describe what you liked most about this particular lesson

I have heard about pinhole cameras before but have never seen one or used one. This lesson plan provides comprehensive instructions for a novice to successfully perform this lesson with no prior experience.