Week 5 - Structured Reflection Journal

Is engaged learning a valid objective for schools and other educational institutions?

Engaged learning is a very valid objective for schools an other institutions. It has been found by both psychological and educational research that students who are actively engaged in the educational process are more interested in the educational process they are involved in, master more academic content, and build better problem solving and critical thinking skills than those who act as passive receivers of knowledge.

Technology has enabled this shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered education. No longer does course information have to be presented in dry lecture format by an educator, it an be presented over the intent, in interactive simulations and through electronic mail discussions. Even when lecture is necessary, it can be augmented by multimedia presentations and other interactive means. It behooves local school districts and state and local governments to provide financial assistance to schools so that they can purchase the necessary equipment to make learning more engaging.


What benefits would engaged learning have for the workforce and the business community?

The way I see it engaged learning has always had its roots in the working world. From apprenticeships to postdoctoral business programs workers have always been engaged in training related to their jobs. Engaged learning is an integral part of on-the-job training and will continue to be for a long time to come.

Educational innovation in terms of information technology will continue to change the face of workforce training. All successful companies recognize the importance of an educated, literate workforce that can locate, synthesize and draw conclusions from information. In this day of fast-paced business, it is essential to be able to "retool" people to work under new circumstances and with a new knowledge base. This method of engaged learning fits well with many business training models.


Why are learning styles important in the design of instruction?

It is essential to recognize that all students do not learn best with a single presentation method. Teachers tend to deliver their lesson in the method that they best learn through. This method may work for a few students, but others get left behind. Designing instruction requires the delivery of information in many learning styles so that all students can take the necessary information from the lesson.


Why is Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences so popular among educators?

As a teacher looks out over a class, they see individual students whose interest and ability varies greatly. It is the teacher who recognizes this diversity and can easily recognize at least one of Gardner's intelligences in every student. It is also through this scheme of multiple intelligences that learning styles emerge.

Educational innovation has little to do with changing the content of the curriculum. Rather, innovative teachers strive to recognize all of these intelligences and tailor their curriculum to meet the needs of all students.


Why is understanding basic computer concepts essential for all educators?

Although most educators have very little formal training in the use of computing technology it is important for all of teachers to have at least a basic working knowledge of computers. A key role of schools is to prepare students for life after they leave school. The world that our current students will emerge into is permeated with computers and nearly all students will encounter computers at their workplace some time in their career.

Today's youth are very knowledgeable about computers and often want to talk to their teachers about the many uses of computers. Classroom use of the internet is nearly boundless and teachers have to guide students in responsible computer use during their research. There are hundreds of software applications and associated peripherals that are very useful in the classroom setting as well.

Students must recognize that computers are very capable educational tools and are not simply limited to leisure and commerce use. Teachers are the perfect people to open the eyes of our students to the research capabilities of the internet.