Classroom Design Reflection

Compare the classroom you visited in your interview with other classrooms you have visited.

This classroom is very large and well equipped, even for a chemistry classroom. Great care in planning was undertaken to maximize the useful potential of the classroom. This classroom is one of six similar classrooms in a "pod" arrangement and they all vary slightly. The laboratory space is well appointed and is spacious enough for 28 student stations. The room is not very flexible in terms of its arrangement possibilities. Although the chairs are in a very linear arrangement there is an opportunity to move the chairs and allow students to work at the lab stations.

What teaching philosophy was used in the classroom you visited?

Mr. Kelley holds very high expectations of his students and demands mastery of the subject matter. He makes it plainly known that all of his students earn the grade that is on their report card. A grade of an "A" is deservent of "A" work and no less. Students have a great deal of respect for the teacher and they work diligently on their assignments in order to achieve mastery.

What strategies did you witness during the classroom visit that you hope to implement during your own classes?

Mr. Kelly mixes up every class with a number of pace changes. He often moves from lecture format to cooperative learning to laboratory experiences and his students respond well. His goal is to have everyone engaged in learning at all times. His experience over many years of teaching has taught him to do this well. I work hard at all times to keep students continually engaged but it can be difficult at times.

What were the strengths and weaknesses with the design of the classroom you visited?

The classroom only has one computer. Five other computers can be wheeled in from nearby classrooms on carts but there is very limited space for these carts in the room. The desks and book bags at the front of the room tend to clutter the room up and cause a safety hazard.

The room is very well laid out and is well appointed. It has a great deal of storage space and laboratory space. The fume hood and utility lines are well arranged and easily accessible.

Did you feel that the classroom you visited was an innovative environment? Why?

The classroom is innovative in the teaching methods and for the fact that they do have an internet-ready computer. Limited funding for computing resources and training does restrict the amount of technological innovation. This school has adopted a computer lab arrangement in order to accommodate student research and other computing needs.